Partner with Ripper &
accelerate your business
Entering the RPA industry can be challenging due to the various requirements that must be met, including obtaining licenses, acquiring insurance, establishing contracts, and procuring hardware. At Ripper Corp, we understand the difficulties involved in this process and are here to help with the Ripper Alliance.
The Ripper Alliance aims to cultivate positive partnerships that increase revenue, alleviate the stress of the initial stages of starting a business, and accelerate the success of your organisation.
Acquire more commercial work faster
Not all commercial work is feasible for every organisation due to a lack of necessary hardware, insurance, or technical skills. This can lead to missed opportunities. By partnering with Ripper Corp, we can help you take advantage of every opportunity and maximise the benefits of this lucrative work.
Make a change for the better
Ripper Corp is pushing the boundaries of what drones are capable of, including replacing costly and environmentally damaging practices such as the use of fuel-burning aircraft and labor intensive legacy practices. By joining the Ripper Alliance, you can be a part of this positive change.